Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What adults can learn from kids

One of Adora Svitak's points in her video was that adults blame children for being irresponsible, however adults more times than children are the irresponsible ones. Take the topic of child abuse for example. A parents job is to love and take good care of their child however those who choose to abuse their children are acting irresponsibly and because of this the child may grow up to also be irresponsible. Adults are also highly hypocritical. For example, adults such as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles ect, tell children not to smoke cigarettes. Yet THEY are the ones who smoke, even though they tell us not to. Adora also says that children are much smarter than they are given credit for, its just that sometimes adults expect too much out of children. If adults could learn to be better role models, then it will cause the future generations to also be good role models and better the world for years to come.

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